iEnergi - SonneniEnergi - Sonnen


The sonnenBatterie is a high-tech storage system that has proven itself in thousands of households – every day. The combination of a PV system and a sonnenBatterie will allow you to cover about 80% of your yearly energy requirement with self-produced and clean energy. Since your energy is being generated on your roof and not by some anonymous energy provider you are more independent than before. So take your energy future into your own hands and reduce your energy costs to a minimum. The decision for a sonnenBatterie is also a decision for the highest standards in safety and quality that “Made in Germany” stands for.


Intelligent, Long-lasting and economical

Why iEnergi only install and recommend Sonnen batteries:

  • Outstanding German quality and craftsmanship
  • Combined with the right PV system can deliver 80% of all your clean energy needs
  • Delivers real energy independence
  • Absolute intelligent control centre
  • Clean energy during the day, evening and night
  • High quality components

The sonnenBatterie is a high-tech storage system that has proven itself in thousands of households – every day. The combination of a PV system and a sonnenBatterie will allow you to cover about 80% of your yearly energy requirement with self-produced and clean energy. Since your energy is being generated on your roof and not by some anonymous energy provider you are more independent than before. So take your energy future into your own hands and reduce your energy costs to a minimum. The decision for a sonnenBatterie is also a decision for the highest standards in safety and quality that “Made in Germany” stands for.


We connect people who generate their own energy to a larger community, so they can share their clean energy with one another.

The sonnenBatterie is designed to make the most of the solar energy you generate. But if you need more – then there is the sonnenCommunity on which to draw.

Making electricity simple. sonnenFlat.

Plug into the sonnenCommunity with sonnenFlat. sonnenFlat combines with your solar system and sonnenBatterie, to offer the complete energy package giving members of the sonnenCommunity cost certainty for clean energy.

Speak to us to get more information about Sonnen Flat.